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- Type
- Statement on Current Events
- Media Contact
- Calgary Police Commission
- Phone: 587-888-1345
Our Commission works with the Calgary Police Service each fall to provide City Council with any changes needed to the total police budget. This year, cost escalations on a...
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- Type
- Statement on Current Events
- Media Contact
- Calgary Police Commission
- Phone: 587-888-1345
Did you know the rules in Alberta around police governance and officer misconduct are rapidly changing? The province amended the Police Act just before the end of 2022, making...
- Date
- Type
- Statement on Current Events
- Media Contact
- Calgary Police Commission
- Phone: 587-888-1345
The Calgary Police Commission understands the frustrations of downtown and Beltline residents and businesses who have had protests related to COVID-19 in their neighbourhoods for two years now. We...
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- Type
- Statement on Current Events
- Media Contact
- Calgary Police Commission
- Phone: 587-888-1345
“The video of this violent assault shook us to our core. That Ms. Kafi then lost her life compounds the tragedy of this situation. We too await the outcome...
- Date
- Type
- Statement on Current Events
- Media Contact
- Calgary Police Commission
- Phone: 587-888-1345
January 2, 2021 – It is with sincere heartbreak that we join the citizens of Calgary and the policing community in mourning the death of Sgt. Andrew Harnett. This...
- Date
- Type
- Statement on Current Events
- Media Contact
- Calgary Police Commission
- Phone: 587-888-1345
Letter to Calgarians from the Calgary Police Commission Over the past several months we have experienced a sea change in our society’s willingness to discuss – and address –...
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- Type
- Statement on Current Events
- Media Contact
- Calgary Police Commission
- Phone: 587-888-1345
As we listen to the public hearings underway this week at City Council, we see the courage demonstrated by many Calgarians who are bringing forward their experiences with racism...
- Date
- Type
- Statement on Current Events
- Media Contact
- Calgary Police Commission
- Phone: 587-888-1345
Recent events in the United States that have re-ignited social action against institutional racism has forced us all to look at ourselves, our work, and our society, and to...
- Date
- Type
- Statement on Current Events
- Media Contact
- Calgary Police Commission
- Phone: 587-888-1345
Dear Calgary Police Service members, On behalf of the 1.3 million Calgarians we represent, we want to express our gratitude and appreciation for the work you are doing around...
- Date
- Type
- Statement on Current Events
- Media Contact
- Calgary Police Commission
- Phone: 587-888-1345
The Calgary Police Commission has a duty to ensure that the Calgary Police Service has the resources it needs to keep our City safe and to prevent crime. We...