Public Participation in Commission Meetings

Hearing from Calgarians is an important part of the Calgary Police Commission’s role. We engage the public throughout the year with surveys, engagement events and other input opportunities.
Any member of the public can also participate in the eight regular meetings we hold each year. Each regular meeting includes a public portion where the Commission discusses a variety of topics with the Calgary Police Service leadership and hears from the public. There are a few options for participating in these meetings.
Watch a meeting
The public portion of our regular meetings are streamed live online and you can watch the meeting using the link in the meeting notice.
You can also watch recordings of past meetings. These recordings are typically made available within 48 hours of the meeting.
Write a submission
Written submissions are accepted from the public for inclusion in the Commission’s consent agenda. These submissions are distributed to the Commissioners before regular meetings for them to read and consider. Written submissions must be:
- A maximum of 500 words
- Related to police governance and oversight in Calgary
- Written respectfully and without obscene language
- Submitted at least one week before the regular meeting
(Submissions after this deadline are still saved and shared at the next meeting)
Please note that while written submissions are not made public with the other meeting documents, they are still considered public documents under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and could therefore be disclosed on request to a third party. Personal information would be redacted as outlined in the Act, but your name and comments would typically be provided.
Written submissions can be emailed to or mailed to Bow Valley Square 1, Suite 1150, 202 6th Avenue S.W., Calgary, AB T2P 2R9.
Speak at a meeting
The Commission sets aside time to hear from up to five members of the public at each regular meeting. In order to balance the desire to hear from Calgarians with the need to keep meetings a reasonable length, the Commission has set some guidelines for speakers.
There are two options for anyone wishing to speak at a regular meeting:
- Make a verbal presentation
- Is an opportunity to provide information to the Commission for consideration
- You can speak for up to four minutes
- Commissioners can ask clarifying questions following your presentation
- Ask a verbal question
- Is an opportunity to learn more about something within the Commission’s purview
- You can speak for up to two minutes to introduce and ask your question(s)
- The Chair of the Commission or person of the Chair’s choosing then provides a response up to two minutes in length
- You are encouraged to submit your question(s) in advance to ensure those responding have the answer(s)
Anyone wishing to speak must register before noon on the day of the meeting by emailing or calling 403-428-8221. You need to provide your name, the topic you wish to speak on, and whether you want to present or ask a question. Please note that your name will be shared publicly when you are introduced at the meeting, and your name and comments will be published online through the meeting recording.
Your presentation or question topic needs to relate to police governance and oversight in Calgary and cannot be about a specific police officer or conduct complaint. If your topic is not something that the Commission has authority over, we will make every effort to direct you to someone who can address your concern.
The Commission is committed to creating a safe space for all meeting participants. Speakers need to be respectful, use appropriate language, not share private information in public, and stay on the topic they registered to discuss.
In the rare event that more than five people wish to speak at a meeting, priority will go to those speaking on an agenda item, followed by those who registered first. Speakers who cannot be accommodated will be invited to attend a future meeting or send in a written submission.
Personal information provided to the Calgary Police Commission as part of participating in Commission meetings is collected under the authority of Bylaw 35M2017 and Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act of Alberta for the purpose of facilitating public participation in municipal decision-making and scheduling speakers for Commission meetings. Your name and comments will be part of the public record if you make a written submission or verbal presentation to the Commission.
If you have questions regarding the collection and use of your personal information, please contact the Commission FOIP Coordinator at 403-428-8914 or