Find out what we did in 2023!

Update from the Commission
Media Contact
Calgary Police Commission
Phone: 403-428-8221

Our Commission is pleased to release our Policing in Calgary 2023 Annual Report!

The report highlights the ways that our Commission has provided governance to the Calgary Police Service, and the ways that the police delivered on the priorities of Calgarians.

Some of the highlights from our Commission include:

  • Renewed Chief Constable Mark Neufeld’s contract, securing stable leadership for the Calgary Police Service until 2027.
  • Established 12 key performance indicators that our Commission and Council can use to measure the effectiveness of the Calgary Police Service.
  • Updated our policy direction to the police around major policing event governance. The update incorporated lessons learned from the 2010 G20 Summit and the 2022 Freedom Convoy Occupation of Ottawa. It ensures that there is a framework for Council and our Commission to fulfill our governance mandates when police are dealing with incidents that have larger public policy implications, while still protecting the political independence of the police.
  • Enhanced our social media and online streaming capacity to ensure we are keeping Calgarians informed about policing policies, priorities and issues.
  • Hosted the first Calgary Policing Summit where over 400 community leaders were invited to join our Commission and Calgary Police Service leaders for a one-day conference on policing in Calgary. The input received help the Service refine their 2024 Annual Policing Plan.
  • Conducted focus groups to hear from Calgarians on how communications from the police could be improved.
  • Finalized a grant agreement with the Government of Alberta that will fund 50 new officers, in addition to the 130 new officers and 157 new civilian staff that our Commission and Council have already funded.
  • Reimagined the Community Policing Awards by changing them to two lifetime achievement awards.
  • Worked with the City of Calgary and Council to modernize the Calgary Police Commission Bylaw.
  • Added three new provincially-appointed commissioners.

Take a look at the full report for more details on these highlights, as well as budget information and police misconduct complaint statistics.